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Beat Bootcamp
Welcome To Beatcamp
Beatcamp Overview (2:47)
Program Overview (Download)
Beatcamp Curriculum (Download)
Feedback & Submission FAQ (Download)
Requirements (1:23)
Expectations (1:24)
Top 5 Tips Before Starting (2:49)
Creative Fire Starter Packs (Download These)
DELIVERABLE: Know Your Why Exercise
Week 1: BOOM-BAP
Boom Bap Module Intro Video (1:03)
Beatcamp Week 1 Overview: Boom Bap (1:14)
Melody Overview (0:27)
Boom Bap Melody Walkthrough (8:17)
Boom Bap Melody Continued (6:59)
Drums Overview (0:53)
Boom Bap Drums Walkthrough (10:33)
Bass Overview (0:36)
Boom Bap Bass Walkthrough (7:23)
Textures Overview (1:09)
EFX & Textures Walkthrough (8:13)
Mixing Boom Bap Walkthrough (10:28)
Mastering Walkthrough (4:12)
Arranging The Beat Overview (1:30)
Arranging The Beat Walkthrough (7:51)
Transitions & Final Touches Walkthrough (7:59)
Bouncing The Stems Walkthrough (2:13)
Boom-Bap Walkthrough (FL Studio Version) (65:18)
DELIVERABLE: Beat #1 - Boom Bap
Week 2: LOFI
Lofi Module Intro Video (1:36)
Lofi Overview (3:11)
Melody Overview (1:15)
Lofi Melody Walkthrough (6:31)
Lofi Walkthrough Chopping The Sample (4:56)
Lofi Walkthrough Playing The Sample (12:28)
Drums Overview (1:35)
Lofi Walkthrough Drums (15:08)
Lofi Walkthrough Drums Continued (2:32)
Lofi Walkthrough Bass (10:00)
Lofi Walkthrough Percussion (4:13)
Lofi Walkthrough Second Melody (7:23)
Textures Overview (0:52)
Lofi Walkthrough Textures & EFX (4:48)
Mixing & Mastering Overview (2:22)
Lofi Walkthrough Mixing (17:36)
Lofi Walkthrough Mastering (8:46)
Lofi Walkthrough Arrangement (6:08)
Lofi Walkthrough Automation (20:25)
DELIVERABLE: Beat 2 - Lofi
Week 3: TRAP
Trap Module Overview (2:09)
Trap Module Intro Video (1:37)
A Few Things To Keep In Mind... (1:22)
Use Your Resources (1:57)
Melody & Drums Overview (0:53)
Trap Walkthrough Melody (3:10)
Trap Walkthrough Drums (11:37)
Percussion Overview (0:24)
Trap Walkthrough Percussion (8:24)
Bass & 808 Overview (0:49)
Trap Walkthrough 808s (8:54)
Trap Walkthrough 808 Secret Sauce (3:21)
Mixing Overview (0:51)
Trap Walkthrough Mixing & Mastering (16:32)
Arrangement Overview (0:30)
Trap Walkthrough Arrangement (4:41)
Transitions Overview (0:47)
Trap Walkthrough Transitions & Automation (10:36)
DELIVERABLE: Beat 3 - Trap
Week 4: Final Project
Final Project Overview (3:16)
Final Thoughts (3:13)
Bonus Walkthrough: Melody (4:39)
Bonus Walkthrough: Drums (20:40)
Bonus Walkthrough: Bass (4:30)
Bonus Walkthrough: Percussion (2:47)
Bonus Walkthrough: Arrangement (11:47)
Bonus Walkthrough: Automation (6:57)
Bonus Walkthrough: Transitions (18:04)
Bonus Walkthrough: Mixing & Mastering (27:26)
DELIVERABLE: Beat 4 - Make An Original Beat
Top 5 Tips Before Starting
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